


  • • VIPER is fully adjustable and compact.

    • Closed loop design for easy and rapid deployment by one provider

    • Easily fits on equipment such as stretchers and stair chairs.

    • Custom patent pending clip design with tactile grips with no slippage during deployment.

    • Custom patent pending CAM design is quickly removable or loosened for patient access, safety, and comfort.

    • Reusable, durable, washable, latex-free BPA free.

    • Easily deployed with minimal training

  • • VIPER can be deployed whenever there is a need to gain immediate temporary control of an agitated or combative patient by restraining a single extremity in accordance with good and sound clinical judgment and practice.

    • VIPER should be deployed in accordance with department guidelines, state or local policies, and procedures for the use of soft restraints.

    • When verbal de-escalation fails and there is a credible concern for crew and patient safety that may be jeopardized if not applied in accordance with restraint application.

    • Deployed when care, extricating or transport may be complicated by agitation if not performed.

  • Yes, VIPER is made from mostly nonabsorbent materials such as Neoprene, Tyvek, medical-grade plastic, and resin. and stainless-steel components. Mil-tech webbing is made of tightly woven nylon but can be laundered if soiled. If visibly soiled, simply wipe away debris, use either soap and water or commercially available bio-wipes, or launder in an approved laundry bag and allow to air dry.

  • • VIPER’s design is unlike conventional carabiners in that it allows it to fit over the balloon frame construction of stretchers and stair chairs. Additionally, because of its unique shape, the mouth (internal diameter) allows the gate clip to close reliably each time it is used with over two inches of residual internal space.

    • The patent-pending CAM clip was designed specifically for this project to aid in the ease of application negating the complexity of commercial devices that rely on a mix of velcro, weak plastic clips, or complicated alligator belt tensioners.

    • Our patent-pending soft restraint system represents over 4 years of development to assure, strength, durability, reliability, and comfort with ease of application and removal.

  • Please see our return policy HERE.